

Q&A with Kellie Hogan, Advanced Sports Dietitian

What do you love about being a dietitian?

I love working with athletes and coaches to delve deep into the physiology of their performance goals and looking for anyways, large or small, that nutrition can play a positive role in supporting this.


What sports do you consult to?

I currently consult to elite swimming athletes at the Queensland Academy of Sport and the Sunshine Coast Lighting Super Netball team.


What is your top tip for athletes, or what is your non-negotiable recommendation for athletes?

No matter what level athletes compete at, their daily training diet must be balanced, as this has the greatest potential to influence their sporting performance. This usually means eating five or so times per day and ensuring that all meals and snacks are a combination of 4 key things. 

  1. High-quality carbohydrates to support fuelling muscles and brains
  2. Protein to build and repair muscle tissues
  3. Bright colours (fruits and veggies) to provide essential vitamins and antioxidants to support immunity 
  4. Healthy fats like oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil to protect cells and reduce inflammation. 

Most of all, be organised and prepared to fuel your training sessions!


What is your proudest moment as a dietitian?

I get a lot of satisfaction from watching athletes notice and genuinely feel the benefits to their health, well-being and performance when they implement the nutrition strategies we’ve discussed. I also feel very blessed to work alongside athletes who have achieved the pinnacle of their sporting dreams – winning grand finals, national and world titles, Olympic and Paralympic gold medals and world records. It’s very special, and I am grateful for the opportunities this profession has afforded me.


What supplements do you find yourself commonly recommending to athletes?

I have a strong food-first philosophy when working with athletes; however, there are some that I do find myself recommending on a more regular basis:

  1.     Immune support products – Zinc, Vitamin C and Probiotics
  2.     Hydration support – electrolytes
  3.     Ergogenic Aids – Creatine, Beta Alanine and Caffeine


How does Batch Tested assist your day-to-day practice?

Batch Tested provides me with a streamlined way to order/recommend a wide range of third-party, independently batch-tested supplements. This provides the efficiency of time and a level of convenience and confidence for the athletes I work with. Karen and Di are incredibly approachable and go out of their way to assist Sports Dietitians and Athletes.

Batch Tested

At Batch Tested, it’s our mission to make sure no athlete gets a positive test result, due to a product or supplement. We do this by providing simplified access to HASTA certified, batch tested with HASTA or Informed Sport certified protein, supplements and electrolytes from trusted brands, to ensure every batch we sell is tested, certified and approved.